Source code for pycounts.pycounts

from collections import Counter
from string import punctuation

[docs]def load_text(input_file): """Load text from a text file and return as a string. Parameters ---------- input_file : str Path to text file. Returns ------- str Text file contents. Examples -------- >>> load_text("text.txt") """ with open(input_file, "r") as file: text = return text
[docs]def clean_text(text): """Lowercase and remove punctuation from a string. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to clean. Returns ------- str Cleaned text. Examples -------- >>> clean_text("Early optimization is the root of all evil!") 'early optimization is the root of all evil' """ text = text.lower() for p in punctuation: text = text.replace(p, "") return text
[docs]def count_words(input_file): """Count words in a text file. Words are made lowercase and punctuation is removed before counting. Parameters ---------- input_file : str Path to text file. Returns ------- collections.Counter dict-like object where keys are words and values are their counts. Examples -------- >>> count_words("text.txt") """ text = load_text(input_file) text = clean_text(text) words = text.split() return Counter(words)